Saturday 25 March 2023


This is the scene that greeted me each morning, peering apprehensively at the weather from the bedroom window at the Old Ship hotel, Brighton, it was a bit nippy there to say the least, I only brought a cheap flimsy hoodie with me, Superdry, it was Superwet after getting caught in a downpour and taking shelter for an hour on Madeira Terrace, shivering me tits off and talking to a tramp, my beautiful hair hanging like rat's tails. Yes Scarlet that is Aiden Turner advertising his play at the Theatre Royal, Brighton, March 28 - April 1. On the morning we left (Friday) the weather improved greatly. Typical!


  1. Island weather! I hope you did see *some* sunshine, Mitzi.

  2. Lemons! Described by critics as interesting.
    I have a couple of coats from Superdry, neither were cheap, or waterproof!! I was going through some sort of mid-life crisis when I bought them.
    Why did you only take a hoodie???!! It’s the whip end of Winter!

    1. Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons to give it's full title only got a 3 star rating by the Guardian, I don't think I've ever been to the theatre to see a play before, I've been in a few school productions, including one about L S Lowry it ended with the Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs song, they wasn't any 'sparking clogs' for me to wear as I recall, I was one of the poor who went around in bare feet, all too highbrow for my taste.

      At least Superdry is an English company, though manufactured in China, which makes them cheap in my eyes. The weather has been exceptionally warm in the NE (but not today) and it's usually a few degrees warmer in the south so I brought the coat with me "Just in case" I sent an email to a friend whilst I was over there with the above photograph and he sent me one back of a bus stop scene a man was riding topless on a bike.

    2. I tell a lie, there was that time we went to see Birds of a Feather at The Grand Blackpool and Blyrhe Spirit in Mancester with her from Coronation Street who was married to Steve MacDonald, oh and Priscilla.

  3. Oh, the weather's been a typical March four-seasons-in-one-day pain in the arse here, too. On Thursday, I had sunglasses on and needed a brolly, just to go across the road from the office to get a chicken shish kebab wrap for lunch!

    Shame that all this crap weather buggered up your break in Brighton, but at least rain keeps the tramps and Big Issue sellers off the pavement. Although, as you say, not out of the bench shelters. Jx

    1. I was surprised to see tramps in Kemptown I was led to believe that was the posh area of town, how wrong was I. I overheard one toothless gentlemen tramp say to his equally refreshed lady trampette "You're U.G.L.Y you is ugly," to which she replied, "Ya but ya lick me out don't ya!" in a cockney accent, this was outside Morrisons.

    2. The height of sophistication. Jx

  4. Blogger is eating comments on this post as well.

  5. I hope Dinah doesn't think I'm snubbing her.

    1. Let’s see if my reply to Dinah sticks.

    2. Nope! It has already gone! Have you tried looking in your Blogger spam folder? MJ found some lost comments in there and authorised them and then they appeared on the post.
      This is a very odd Blogger glitch, with no rhyme or reason.

  6. It all sounds just the height of English sophistication.

    1. Flying the flag of finesse for England.

  7. Poor Aidan Turner looks like he's got a massive blister on the side of his face!

    Some of that Brighton weather has just passed over the house, and now everything outside is covered in hailstones. Unfortunately, there are no lemons, so I'll just have to make do with ice and no slice in my G&T.

  8. 2Poor Aidan Turner looks like he's got a massive blister on the side of his face!" That's Jenna Coleman.
