Friday 5 July 2024

Carmen's Log

In the hallowed halls of Mitzi's opulent manor, I, Carmen, the lowliest of maids, toiled tirelessly, my heart heavy with disdain and my tongue sharp as vinegar. For a mere 50p an hour, I scrubbed floors, dusted chandeliers, and endured the insufferable airs of my mistress.

'Carmen, my dear,' Mitzi would drawl, her voice like a sultry summer breeze, 'be so good as to attend to my needs.'

As I fussed over her toilette, my lips would curl into a wicked leer. I yearned to spill her precious bathwater all over her silly lapdog. But alas, my station demanded that I maintain a veneer of servitude.

One fateful evening, as I polished Mam's silver candlesticks, I heard a faint rustling beneath her bed. Curiosity got the better of me, and I cautiously peered beneath the silken canopy. To my astonishment, there lay a small, velvet box, it's contents winking at me in the candlelight.

Driven by an irresistible urge, I reached for the box and opened it. Inside nestled amidst the finest jewels, was a magnificent emerald necklace, it's stones glinting like a thousand tiny stars. A wicked grin spread across my face.

For the next few days, I wore the necklace beneath my maid's uniform, my heart pounding with a mixture of thrill and trepidation. Mitzi, oblivious to her loss, continued  to summon me with her languid commands.

'Carmen, my ring has gone missing. Find it at once!'

'Yes, Mam,' I replied, my voice dripping with saccharine sweetness.

As I searched her dressing room, I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. The necklace was nestled beneath her pearl tiara, hidden in plain sight. With a swift movement, I snatched it and slipped it into my pocket.

This was my revenge. I had stolen from the wealthy and arrogant Mitzi, teaching her a lesson in humility. And as I watched her frustration grow with each passing hour, a wicked sense of satisfaction washed over me.

From that day forward, Carmen the once down-trodden maid, became Carmen the cunning thief. The emerald necklace became the symbol of my triumph over adversity, a constant reminder of the day I got my own back against the upper classes.


  1. Ooh! It's like an episode of Francis Durbridge Presents...! Jx

    1. I'd watch it. I wonder who they would get to play me if Emilia Clarke isn't available and Alice Barry would be perfect for Carmen.

  2. I feel a twist coming on! I don't think Mitzi will let Carmen get away with this - I feel Carmen has been set up for a fall??!!

    1. AI had set the scene in the Victorian era 'spill her precious bathwater all over her silly lap dog' suggests a tin bath in front of the fire. I think Carmen should be hung for her crime or transported to Australia.

  3. Replies
    1. Yes, she does £35 a week is that too much?

    2. Yes, quite frankly it is. Hang on a minute...

      :: does some hasty maths with tongue sticking out side of mouth ::

      Carmen only works a 70 hour week? It's no wonder she has the time and energy for thieving. Mitzi, I'm surprised at you!

    3. If you pay peanuts, expect monkey workers, that's what my old gran used to say and she would know she used to pay her Jessop in peanuts. That's why I'm generous to a fault.

  4. " ' t was the best of two cities", or something.

    1. A Tale of Two Titties by Charles Darwin or somebody similar.
