Tuesday 22 August 2023

Laugh and the World Laughs At You


  1. It's like being at a zoo!

    Imagine being anywhere near any of them while sitting in a theatre watching “Monty Python’s Spamalot”? Jx

  2. Where is the British version of this programme??? I think it is much needed.

  3. It's very reminiscent of the time the maid and I dined in a cafe that was run by people with special needs, one of the customers started to make a noise like the man in the second video, a bit like a walrus in heat, the young waitress with down syndrome came and asked me if I needed help reading the menu (the cheek), I just pointed to a picture on the wall of a cheese toastie and said I'll have that. This was in York.

  4. Did they find these people in some random barnyard?

  5. Good heavens. Miss Scarlet's taken over YOUR sideboard, too!

  6. It was very generous of Scarlet to share the giant cardigan man with us, I did see it, however, I couldn't reply, I've been away (Brighton) and the ipad is just too fiddly to send messages on.

  7. I never have a lot of dating rules, but definitely couldn't date someone with a loud, head turning laugh that would attract attention in public. Mortifying! I'm just too sensitive and low key for that.
