Sunday, 2 March 2025

Greetings From Benidorm

Going Dutch fashion wise.
They were at it everyday morning, weather permitting.
Indoor market cafe where Carmen was served a bacon and tomato sandwich. Hilda Ogden had a similar muriel in her living room, just saying. 

Back home tomorrow



  1. We need to find a set of 3 flying seagulls for the muriel to make it truly authentic.
    Safe travels!

  2. Thank you s Scarlet, it makes me nervous when I hear people say that before a flight, the last few days in Benidorm was freezing cold and overcast, pashmina weather, glad to be home, even though I'm nursing a cold. I'm often glued to the window when I'm flying over the South West in the hope of seeing you pegging out the washing, not this time sadly, it flew over over the Isle of Wright.

  3. The accidental letter s I wrote before your name, adds to the dramatic tension.
