Tuesday 30 July 2024

Home and a Weymouth

See the table occupied by a man and a woman on the right, they're participating in a savage eating challenge!

When breaking in a new cafe or a restaurant I like to carry out a ritual, I whip my phone out and pretend I'm taking a photo of the scenery or if there isn't a view to admire I'll take a snap of my maid, my real focus is on the nearby tables, zooming in on peoples plates to see what the food looks like and to see if anyone is holding their knife like a pen so I can give them a disapproving look. 
Carmen calls me a culinary voyeur, my mother used to call me a nosy bastard. 

Here I am sitting demurly, looking out to sea, pondering life's questions such as: Why don't we eat sea gulls? What would happen if a cow isn't milked and why do hotel kettles take ages to boil? And other thought provoking questions that pop up randomly inside my head.



  1. "Wey" and "mouth" seem to go together with that pair. I'm probably as nosy as you, but I don't tend to take photos of what I'm laughing at...


    PS You never looked lovelier!

    1. Thank you Jon, it's the sea air it agrees with me.

  2. I know! What does a Sea Gull taste like? - they are so plentiful, and fat. I think a cow explodes if it isn't milked. And hotel kettles take a long time to boil because there isn't enough electricity to go round all the rooms and everyone boils the kettle at the same time.

    1. Thank you Scarlet, I will hopefully sleep better tonight knowing that. I enjoyed my stay in Weymouth I didn't want to leave, but those pesky seagulls with their nocturnal screeches were relentless. I read that seagulls taste a bit like an oily fishy chicken, surf and turf in one, organic, chip-fed and free range and best of all they don't cost anything.

    2. I've heard that some people pee in hotel kettles. Maybe that's just a North American thing.

  3. I hope you didn't stop to eat at that establishment as there's someone wearing a baseball cap at the table on the far middle right!

    Did you grace the crowds with your presence before the juliet balcony? And did the Red Arrows do a flypast for you, or was it just those seagulls who had escaped being consumed?

  4. No pomp and ceremony it was all very low key, I even did something that I have never done before in this country, I went for a swim in the sea, it was lovely, I'm one of those swimmers who cannot bear to get their faces wet, so I swim breast stroke. Yes we did eat there, Carmen had crab cakes and I had something pretentious in bread. I think the baseball cap wearer could have been American I could hear the accent but couldn't see where the noise was coming from. The native southern people have some strange ways (but not as strange as the people in Glastonbury!) about them, as you can see in the above photograph, they eat food with their hands.

  5. I tell a lie, I have swam (or is it swum?) in this country before, I forgot about Hornsea and I had a Christmas day paddle in Scarborough.
