Friday 28 May 2021

Needle Felt Update:

I know some of you have been sitting on the very edge of your seat, waiting with bated breath for an update on my felt dog creation, well, I'm sad to say that it ended in tears (I knew it would) I followed this Youtube video as my guide and it was coming along nicely, however, I made the body far too big and ran out of wool, when needle felting you can add to it, but you cannot easily take it away, I tried and ended up pulling it's head off. Peggy now resides headless and blood stained (mine!) at the bottom of the bin. I sent off for a better quality one, with proper instructions, I've just finished assembling it's skeleton.

Can you tell what it's going to be yet?
Please excuse the wallpaper it was from the previous owners.

After 3 long months, seeds that I took out of a 59p pineapple (Morrison's finest) and kept inside a tupperware box on a damp bit of kitchen paper have finally germinated.



  1. There, there, you're in good company when it comes to failed craft projects! I have many myself. I tried to make the worm in the wall from the David Bowie/Jim Henson movie Labyrinth using poly sculpting clay. It turned out looking like a big, terribly infected toe with a blue feather boa! I don't where a pic of it went, but this is what it should have looked like:

    Don't give up! Better luck next time!

    1. I've always had a keen interest in sculpture and saw myself as the next Barbara Hepworth, minus the headscarf but I don't like getting my hands mucky. I am sure your worm in the wall was a triumph.

  2. I have every faith that your kangaroo won't end up looking like a fat dinosaur. Jx

    PS how many seedlings do you need to make enough juice for a Yaka Hula Hickey Dula?

    1. It was the red herring "Can you tell what it's going to be yet?" comment that made you think of disgraced entertainer Rolf Harris, that made you think of a kangaroo.

  3. Your first attempt might have worked as a tampon.
    Meanwhile - I was also going with kangaroo or dinosaur for the second attempt - but it might be something less obvious?

    1. No it's not a kangaroo, nor is it a greyhound having a shit. I will post an update with a clue in due course.

    2. I agree with Miss Scarlet. Tampons were the first thing that entered my mind.

  4. Picture 1 shows obviously a duck or something else water fowl. Picture 2 shows the skeleton of a T-Rex (damn you, bang a gong, get ir on, Blondie). Picture 3 is something they operated out of Özi, thank you. Don't stick needles in bloody Peggy, it could hurt you. Yes, I am that superstituous.

    1. Trannysaurus Rex? Otzi the iceman's entrails? nor is it a strange aquatic creature although you would be forgiven for thinking Peggy was.

  5. I'm so pleased no one claimed your first attempt looked like a hairball. I wouldn't want anyone to hurt your delicate feelings.

    1. I respect people who call a spade a spade. I don't have the mindset of a millennial, though I do sometimes pass for one due to my youthfulness.

    2. Hairball or tampon? Your choice.

  6. Oh, dear. Poor peggy. With a little genetic engineering, I'm sure you could have turned her into a duck? (I see that Mago was thinking along the same lines)
    I initially thought the wireframe thingy was another dog. Maybe a cat, but I didn't think you were fond of felines?

    Anyway, I've forgotten about felt animals now - I'm far more excited about pineapple seedlings!!!

  7. No it's not a cat. I was reading this article in the Daily Mail, you couldn't make it up. If a neighbours cat trespassed in my house, it'll be stuffed inside a pillow case and released in the countryside.

  8. Somehow, this update didn't reach me.
    Um...your latest "thingy" might be one of those twisty-any-way-you-want things that people attach to their cameras. (So the thingy can reach over the 75th floor balcony while you sit on a chaise longue, daiquiri in one hand and shutter-clicker in t'other.)
