Thursday, 5 March 2015


I overheard a woman talking to her young daughter: 'No Brogan, it's not I threw it, it's I throweded it' oh how I laughed, fancy calling your child Brogan, this was in Morrison's café.

A picture of a Beyoncé lookalike, for your viewing pleasure.


  1. It's much she looks like Whoopi Goldberg!

    1. Yes she does with a hint of Bingo from the Banana Splits and just a soupçon of Olive from On The Buses.

  2. Darling Mitzi,

    Surely Brogan is a male name?

    Morrison's cafe once again, we note!

    1. I'm not a fan of using surnames as first names, it's a terrible infliction to put on a child, the number of times I've heard and winced at the name Mackenzie on the high street and the jaw dropping Hunter and I thought I heard it all when I heard a woman call out to her child Nokia, Carmen later told me that it was actually No! Kia. Brogan sounds like an old fashioned pair of shoes. I'll let you know if I ever hear of a Hattatt.

  3. Hell, she is the spitting image, but not of Bouncy.
    Brogan? Isn't that OZ for a chav?
    I remember a woman screaming 'Sigourney! Sigourney! Get your arse in to this pushchair now!' My gran and me were in Kwiksave at the time and was a pissed off brat with fat knees. Ah, memories. goddess.xx

    1. Ahh Kwiksave's café with it's mismatched crockery and red plastic seats and the tabard wearing staff bringing you a toasted teacake with a cheery 'There you go love' Kwiksave's equivalent to Bon Appetite.

      There was once a Courtney sat in a pushchair kicking the back of my heels whilst I was stood waiting in the queue at the post office I booted the wheel of the pushchair and glared at the dad daring him to challenge me.

  4. I just throwded up a little. In the back of my throat.

    1. Don't you just hate it when that happens? It happened to me the other night whilst watching M*****a promoting her new album on the Jonathan Ross Show, I had to turned over after 10 minutes as I feared the burning sensation in my throat was going to cause permanent damage. I can fee the bile rising as I type

  5. Oh the English working classes... how they call their off-spring China or Harper or Africa or Brogan. No style. No taste.

    Now If I had a child, I would name it something innocuous like "Cleopatra", "Jabba" or "the Marquis du Sade".

    1. Or India... fucking India! Fancy naming your child after a 3rd world country.
      Cleopatra coming atchya.

  6. What is a "lesbo-hydo-pophagus"? Do you know? I was sent one in the Royal Mail. The little card was pushed through my letterbox, but I haven't the slightest what the fuck the thing is. I'm reluctant to go the Sorting Office to collect it, in case it's something nasty. Any ideas? Can you ask Carmen? Maybe she would know? Is it something one picks up from sitting on an unclean toilet seat?

  7. You know lesbians and their sporting injuries from playing too much rugby etc? Well a "lesbo-hydo-pophagus" is a tongue shaped device for stiff necks. Have you been making late night drunken purchases on Amazon?

  8. OMFG, that's hilarious...
    Poor Brogan kid, & that girl in the pic. xD
