Saturday 9 April 2011

Gin O'clock Time

On warm sunny afternoons such as this, One is partial to a little Gin and Dubonnet.

Gin and Dubonnet a Queen's drink.


  1. Cheers, Mitzi, I'll have a bottle of cheap Austrian white later ...

  2. Bottoms up! Thank you for the link Mago, very informative. I'm quite fond of Blue Nun myself.

  3. I believe the Queen Mum's favourite tipple was Gin.

    Overheard at Clarence House... When ringing roomservice
    "Here's a request from one old Queen to another... I need more Gin!"

  4. I love Gin O'Clock!

    Oh Hai Princess

  5. That's a queen-size bottle and glass she has there!

  6. Gin...the only alcoholic beverage barred from Mistress MJ's lips.

  7. Dear Princess.

    Mummy was famously close to her servants, several of them staying with her for decades. One of them, affectionally know as Backdoor Billy joined the household as a boy of 16 and stayed with her for more than 50 years. After knowing him for half a century Mummy came to look upon him almost as a human being, and so it broke her heart when she had to dismiss him after he took her afternoon tea with an insufficiently polished teaspoon on the tray.

  8. Thanks for the lovely link there Mitzi. Billy didn't only pick the Queen Mum's Flowers but "he arranged them too!" What was he... some sor t of Nancy Boy?
